#23 Winning One for the Gipper (Sort of)

Navy Story #23

Winning One for the Gipper (Sort of)

During my time in the Navy, I kept up my running for exercise fairly well. When we were in port, I ran at the Little Creek Amphibious Base, along the service roads that lead to the quay where the Pensacola was tied. When we were underway, I could either run in the well deck, or I could run on the helicopter deck. I preferred the well deck, because it was lots bigger, but sometimes it was too crowded with boats, or it was flooded for boat operations! But even the helicopter deck was sufficient for a good workout. And it was usually very enjoyable, being out there in the wind and salt spray, and seeing the seas going by as the ship traveled along. It could be a bit tricky if the ship was rolling in the seas a lot, but I got used to it and enjoyed the challenge of not falling overboard as I rounded the corners! (Truthfully, falling overboard would have been hard to do, since we had nets along the sides of the helicopter deck to keep just such a thing from happening. But it makes for a good story!)

Anyway, during one of our in-port times, one of the other officers and I entered Little Creek's annual cross-country run, as the only representatives of the Pensacola. The Captain was interested in the outcome of the meet. There is some competition among the Captains of the various ships at a home port, and they all keep watch on what their crews are doing in things like this.

Here is an aerial picture of the Little Creek Amphibious Base.  Notice that there are some large areas with trees and grass.  Those areas are where we ran:

Little Creek Amphibious Base

The other officer's nickname was "Stretch". I don't even remember his real name. He was very tall and lanky, and had red hair. And he was a really good runner, better than I was. I was a decent runner, and in decent shape, though. But I didn't yet know about my hypoglycemia (I found out about that when I got to Texas some years later), and I didn't know how to deal with what happened at the cross-country meet...

Stretch and I got to the meet's starting line area fairly early. I recall that it was a cloudy, cool, and somewhat misty day. We expected the meet to start within half an hour or so, so I munched on some dextrose tablets that the meet organizers had provided. The dextrose was for energy, and was a really good idea -- if the meet had started on time. But for some reason, which I don't remember, the meet got delayed about 45 minutes. Well, that was sufficient time for my blood sugar level, which had gone up (desired outcome) when I ate the dextrose tablets, to go crashing down to a low level (definitely not a desired outcome). I didn't know that then, but I recognize what happened, in retrospect.

Anyway, when the gun went off to start the race, I was feeling really weak. I didn't know why. But I ran anyway, as best I could. Half way through the race, which was I think 3 miles or so, I could barely lift my feet to keep running. But I kept going. Through sheer fortitude and guts, I plodded through the race and finished 7th out of 15 in our class. Stretch got first place! But without my 7th-place finish, even his first-place finish would not have been good enough for a win. As it was, our combined score won the meet for the Pensacola!

The Captain was really pleased when he heard of the results, of course, and congratulated Stretch and me. I felt really good about not giving up that day. It was tough, but very satisfying!